Dienstag, 30. März 2010

some reviews

can be found here:



music-scan.de says:
Nach zwei 7Inch Singles legen die aus Wien stammenden SEX JAMS ihren ersten Longplayer vor. Dabei scheint es so zu sein, dass „Post Teenage Shine“ vorerst allein auf Vinyl zu haben ist. Schön und eine klare Ausrichtung in Richtung Liebhaber-Musik und bewusster Spartenzugehörigkeit. Die Österreicher haben ihren Bandnamen einer Single von Milemarker entliehen, zu denen es auch stilistische Parallelen zu verzeichnen gibt. Irgendwo zwischen verquerem Indie, Post-Rock-Tendenzen, noisigen Avancen und sogar Shoegaze-Momenten ist das variable Treiben von SEX JAMS anzusiedeln. Als Hörer fühlt man sich an Gruppen / Acts wie Made Out Of Babies, Sonic Youth und PJ Harvey erinnert. Das seit knapp zwei Jahren bestehende Outlet kann sowohl verkopft-anspruchsvoll als auch geradlinig-reduziert aufspielen. Musikalische Introvertiertheit und offensives Ausbrechen stehen sich dabei immer wieder kontrastreich gegenüber. Latent tanzbar sind SEX JAMS dazu auch noch und etliche Songs bergen das Potenzial, schroff-ungewollte Ohrwürmer zu werden. Die Wiener Kombo lässt sich auf „Post Teenage Shine“ treiben, ohne Spannung oder Anspruch vermissen zu lassen. Vielmehr verhält es sich so, dass die MusikerInnen jederzeit auf der Höhe des Geschehens sind und überaus souverän agieren. 7/10



Montag, 29. März 2010

hey ho!

we're back from 5 days pure insanity.
met a whole lot of great people and tryed to get as little sleep as possible.
more stuff and pictures soon.
by the way katie can finish half a liter ice cold beer in one sip. cooooooool.
and yeah last but not least:
CHAIN and the GANG are just fucking great!

Sonntag, 21. März 2010

hey freaks!

more colours and motives printed. we just don't have any camera.
need to borrow one!
freakfuckers unite!


Samstag, 20. März 2010

new shirts inspired by

maybe we'll get a camera someday to take some shots.
I think we'll do that.

you can't hype that shit enough. here you go with an a thousand fuegos song from the last lp. order via: andi@fettkakao.com

what a great song.

and and yeah we did some youtubevideo as well some time ago. here you are:

Freitag, 19. März 2010

spring is back and I feel

katie and lukas going to silkscreen tons of shirts tomorrow. master chief berni fuchs included.
check his wörk and stuff here:


Donnerstag, 18. März 2010

not enough time

today we just leave you with a great song for the first sunny and warm day since ages.

stay tuned!

Dienstag, 16. März 2010

next week

gonna be whole lot of fun!

2 out of 4 shows with CHAIN AND THE GANG!
thanks to everyone involved for having us!

Montag, 15. März 2010


uhm. just came home from the FETTKAKAO office. the meistro served hot tea with lemon and a plate of SCHOKOWURST. tastes fucking ace but be careful with the dosis.

Anyway I was lucky enough to listen to the new A THOUSAND FUEGOS songs. 2 of them pressed on 7" vinyl. and guess what... they sound just amazing. be sure to catch one of those! check mister m.'s stuff right here:

i can't tell often enough how great the last ATF record is. There are still too many in the FK'S office. They should be spinning right now on your record player.

anyways... here is ANTITAINMENT on... tobi is just as weird as his jogging pants!
over and out!

fuck work

but yeah! after the big crash areoplanes take flight again. we wrote a song today. bout beautiful dreams with piggies, cats and cocktails.

made my head feel a bit less packed with stones for 30 seconds each try. nice one.

take care and try to avoid working life as long as you can!

Samstag, 13. März 2010

vienna folks!

get the POST TEENAGE SHINE lp from today on here:



yesterday was bit like that.

still fun.

ps: today the great band called THE STRIGGLES play at the arena in vienna.

Freitag, 12. März 2010

bright morning!

gonna play a show tonight!
thanks to the dudes from DESTROY, MUNICH! for setting it up!
check: destroy-munich.blogspot.com

sea you!


Donnerstag, 11. März 2010

homepage online

YEAH! the last two years we paid 50 bucks a year just to forward to myspace. now THANKS dominik from NOISE APPEAL (www.noiseappeal.com) there is stuff up there. all you need to know!



we're not alone

yes so true. hope you had a good day!
today we wanna present you someone of the beloved big bad jamming family. his name swing-earl. he is also known as the guy behind POLENIMSCHAUFENSTER.COM (i am sure you stole some of his fonts someday cause they are great), He did the cover for POST TEENAGE SHINE, and guess what.. he hates it. yeah thats just how we like it! we love him! he is friends with the littlelonghairguywithfacepainting and a bear. nice, aye? and yes he plays in a band called PILOTS. (www.wearepilotsyouarenot.com)

by the way i really don't wanna but i love this song:

over and out!

Mittwoch, 10. März 2010

good night movie!

especially for lovers of austrian/viennese accent!
u. seidls first movie from 2001.
good night folks!

WHOOT! it looks quite nice!

PLACE YOUR ORDER! mouh@noiseappeal.com

we formed a band

back in summer 2008. here we are now. POST TEENAGE SHINE lp out now. go check your head. blogwierdoness to follow!