Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011

shows next week

also on tour our good friends in Polly Jean and Sebadoh!
Hope to see some of you!

Samstag, 28. Mai 2011



Freitag, 27. Mai 2011

the promise

I made some days, or weeks ago. here one of the free MILE ME DEAF digital re-issues. This is called HIPPIE MOTHER.
It contains real life major hits like "high tension in the court".
rest will follow by time.

devil worshippers

the evil is us. want a proof? look at the blog hits this month!

and we did an interview this week. find what we ALMOST said right here. German only. Lukas says we gonna surf on the big wave of the 90ies revival and we're a bunch of fucking cool slops. mister möstl and I will proof he's wrong!

all the worst!

Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011

if you ask yourself

which the best song by an austrian artist in 2010 was. here yo got the answear:

by the way it's fucking warm outside. summer arrived!!
some germany shos next week!

Montag, 23. Mai 2011

Spielabbruch! Spielabbruch! Spielabbruch!

I saw it live on TV yesterday and I was impressed... So I decided to become a Rapid Fan from this day on...

Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

Berlin-Praha-Amsterdam a.k.a. the JOYRIDE


Last weekend we travelled with the FETTKAKAO family to Berlin and Praha to plaz two shows and to party (second point was indeed the bigger issue for some of us, for some not cause some of this "party"train failed in some cases but we won't tell that storz to detailed). But you can still sleep tight as I tell you that your JAMMING JAMMERS OF SOUL, us the be me precisely, did a great job in getting fucked up and behaving badly. just like you would want it to!

By the way, after another couple of shows our vinyl stock of POST TEENAGE SHINE is going to end. The label itself also has just a few copies left. So if you wanna spin that record on your player be fast. And if you are into mailorders zou can get some copies at BIS AUFS MESSER berlin.

the rest?
is easy!

Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2011


flyn' high!

Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011


Wolfgang Maria Möstl a.k.a. MILE ME DEAF announced that he recorded over 13 LP's and EP's. All handcrafted pieces are sold so he is into giving them away for free.

here the same in his words:
"hey you people who like mile me deaf,i just reorganized my archive and found out that i recorded over 13 LPs and EPs over the last few years. i used to sell this songs on CDrs and Tapes but since i'm too lazy to handcraft them by myself i decided to give them away for free!!"

Links ain't working at the moment. should be fixed soon.

Dienstag, 10. Mai 2011

ain't that PFOOOOOSH!?

yes you read right. "ain't that fun?" teams up with burnbjörns PFOOOOOSH!
There will be a future project. We don't know if we gonna create a new blog or present the outcome here and over there. Let's see. Anyways it's gonna be RADICAL.

high fives from the crypt!
Dropin' hints!

just thought of something important

probably the three best records in rock history

Montag, 9. Mai 2011



"juhu juhu! tomorrow we are flying to berlin. well “us” is half of the gang that will be playing at SCHOKOLADEN in berlin and at FINAL CLUB in praha… that is Stefanie Sourial, Plaided and me. the other half ( A Thousand Fuegos, Sex Jams ) will be there in time and do the rest of the trip with us. and even Mile Me Deaf will come along for a party - playing in between the labelshowcases at BIS AUFS MESSER in berlin :)

here are the dates:

May 12th @ Schockoladen, Berlin w/ A Thousand Fuegos, Plaided, Sex Jams, Stefanie Sourial

May 13th @ Bis Aufs Messer Laden w/ Mile Me Deaf

May 14th @ Final Club, Praha w/ A Thousand Fuegos, Plaided, Sex Jams, Stefanie Sourial"


making new friends

in apes. swag!

found some old VHS

looks like a real great movie.

rolling and rocking

popfest was nice. lots of friends and other people. show was nice. played with cool bands like:


BEAT BEAT - Super Top from Philipp Knopf on Vimeo.

shake ya ass!

Samstag, 7. Mai 2011


today. vienna. death from a loaf. peter ballon. brieflos. anwalt. vorhang.

Freitag, 6. Mai 2011


is fun sometimes. I mean due my short attention span I can't remember what I read two minutes after finishing. but hey its fun while it lasts. most fun these days is reading all ROKKOS ADVENTURES again. another profit from the S.A.S. You never get bored reading things several times. BUT hey this is not just another random bla bla post. if you dont know that magazin go, get and read it. only bummer- german only.

so have a nice day still fellaritos gonna make some burritos!

Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2011

veni, vidi, shice!

Vice gives Wolfgang Maria Moestls new and first 7" 8 points. Chillwave, dig it! It says that he ain't living a healthy life. I as his personal coach and manager can deny that. He's all right. Green gunpowder tea makes this fella rock like rockefeller. word up.

buy the single via FETTKAKAO. also on this cool as hell label PLAIDED. check the brand new video here:

all the best
peter t.

The Wizard

Wow, when I awoke today, I opened my eyes and for the very first time since months I felt like I am the one who is looking through those eyes. I am the one using my fingers; I am the one thinking my thoughts. I want you to understand. For the last months I was not sure if I am myself. People call that schizophrenia. But it’s not like my sister’s, who used to hear stereo voices about her cotton crown, and then go outside to see the whole world in red. It felt more like someone using me, using my fingers, using my thoughts. And now I see what I’ve done, or better my other controlled self (as you will soon understand) has done the last months, only writing books about spiritual travels, publishing them through Eoterischer Verlag. Who or better what mighty entity controlled me?
Now I know. It’s a mighty wizard sitting on a dope or dark or whatever throne. And this wizard, who uses electric powers in binary ways to control me, he is another self of me. Some people call this wizard Flo, some Centurion Stanley Hans, some Peter Turbopete. He has many names, and many identities. And he uses me. It’s not that he abuses me, but now that I am sure of being myself for the very first time I understand his power, his will. But how can I be sure that I am writing this and not the mighty wizard in my name as he used to do before. Maybe by calling the record that contains this song one of my favourite metal records of all the time.

Yes it’s true! I have to think of things that only I know, and not the mighty wizard that has a hundred names. But where is the thin line that divides me from him. We share so many thoughts and ideas. Who knows for how long I will be myself, will be able to control myself, before the wizard casts another binary spell over me, and enforces his thoughts over me? We, no I will see. Will I?

But for now it’s sure...

Yours truly


PS: Now, that the money from my (or better his) publications at Esoterischer Verlag comes in and is being transferred to my (yes my, not his) account, I see clearly that he wants to do me good, only giving me the opportunity to be someone I’ve never dreamed of being. But what will be, when he never comes back, never controls me again, will I be able to write those books alone? Will I be able to uphold my publications, to gain popularity and money?

AND! Still looking for a show we could play on our way from Hamburg back to Vienna, yup that’s the 5.6.!


we found a bus for the littel tour in june. can't wait to play these shows.

2.6. GIESSEN /// AK44

PS: If you want us to play and it's on the way from hamburg to vienna, more or less. drop us a line.

mr. tabaluga

Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011


the picture. and here the soundtrack:


ít has been ages since the last update. 2 tours, christmas, the birthday of kelly fux and fucktus and lots of stuff happend. On saturday we gonna play POPFEST in vienna. check:

what else? next week berlin and praha. then in june again. in summer we just gonna go swimming. not to many shows planned. despit PMK innsbruck with our friends in PLAIDED. meeting beate and the gimp. great!

and yes we still aint having a bus. sucks. yes. tell all your friends (in case they aint dead) and maybe you'll hear of some cheap cheap solution.

the rest? is easy somehow. katie k. or k. kaktus is into sonic youth again and started to play some real kick ass guitar! props.

and yes at the end of this glorious first post after quite a while a big WAVING HAND to b.björn. I know you waited for that!

yours rudi!
ps: there is a new video. the song is on FETTKAKAO compilation. order it via: or come to a show. here is the video