Mittwoch, 29. Juni 2011


on your best friends shoulder. YES it can be fun!
austrian socialponography at it's best!


Dienstag, 28. Juni 2011

next week future will hit in like no surprise!

MILE ME DEAF is gonna perform at the poolbar festival! its on the 6th of july together with Deus. Since nice pop-pearls need some drum and bass sometimes he will be hitting the stage with THE MAXIMUM MIRACLE CENTER. new and old tunes in a new sweater!

meanwhile check "old" ones:


Montag, 27. Juni 2011

on stage!

Radio Fm4 says:
"Der Slogan des heutigen Tages stammt zweifelsohne von den Bühnenmoderatoren Joe Joe Bailey und Daddy G: "This is not a Graveyard, it's a concert", augenzwinkernd auf den sich erst langsam füllenden Publikumsbereich und den vom Regen aufgeweichten Boden, der heute noch als Spielwiese ekstatischer Artikulationen dienen soll. Anders ausgedrückt: Es soll heut noch ordentlich fetzen. Und wer könnte das besser einläuten, als die Sex Jams, die Wiener Noise-Popper, die mit ihrer Musik alles anturnen wollen, was noch Leben in und zwischen den Beinen hat. Und man hat sich was einfallen lassen, denn wenn vor der Bühne noch eher chilliges Beisammensein angesagt ist, wird auf der Bühne mit Skateboards gesprungen, gerauft und mit klitzekleinen Flummis geworfen. Die Band hat StatistInnen eingeladen, die weniger ab- als auf das Geschehen hinlenken wollen. Und das alles zu den Songs von "Post Teenage Shine". Zu schade, dass nicht mehr Leute dieses Zwischending aus Aufbegehren gegen den Weltverdruss und Performancekunst mitbekommen haben. Großartig, leider viel zu kurz. Nächstes Jahr bitte bei Nacht, mit Massenrauferei auf der Bühne. Vielleicht mit größeren Bällen."

word up.

Sonntag, 26. Juni 2011

yesterday night


Freitag, 24. Juni 2011

He's back!

I can't believe it, today I've read that one of my biggest heroes is back... It took him a long time and became one of the best running jokes next to Chinese Democracy... Yeah!
It's Duke Nukem Forever, and he's out there, back to solve those problems mankind is facing in his special ways. Remember there are only two ways to solve them and in both you die!

'Your ass, your face, what's the difference?'

Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

better watch out!

lots of new and exciting stuff is going on in our lives. rad.
believe it or not.

thats a game!

Dienstag, 14. Juni 2011

last shows for 2011

25. Juni Donauinsel Fm4 Bühne 14:40
22. Juli PMK Innsbruck
23. Juli Koma-Sommerfest Esslingen /DE
29. Juli Back to the Roof Fest Lindach
30. Juli Jahninselfest Regensburg /DE
16. Dezember Arge Salzburg

thats it. we dont wanna play any more shows.

Count Drugula

Well, there are many reasons why Electric Wizard is one of my favorite bands. I should write a blog post about those, but for now I don't have the time...

so let their words speak for them:

'I hope this fuckin' world fuckin' burns away
And I'd kill you all if I had my way'


Samstag, 11. Juni 2011


we play a show with the great PLAIDED in budapest.

Freitag, 10. Juni 2011


from TRUST. Five people listening to 7"es and telling what they think about it. in this case it's superfunny cause they don't know who they listen to. They start to like LES TRUCS, or feel sorry about what they said bout their music at the moment they know WHO it is and WHERE they are from. Shows again the fucking stupidity of all this review bullshit. fuck it.

Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011

Title fight

this is so much better then the most stuff thats around now.

punk and skateboarding

"Doesn't understand why you'd wanna walk

Ain't got time to sit and talk
Used to be just like you and me
Now he's an outcast of society

Beware he's possessed to skate!

And the skating's getting radical"

fuck skateparks by the way.

Mittwoch, 8. Juni 2011


sometimes they come true. this time its darrens wish that will be fulfilled.

Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011



Montag, 6. Juni 2011

we love hamburg

but this guy seems to hate us. wierd german only. glad we're not everyones party. I dig that kinda people.
ah and by the way did I mention that BANGERS is one of the best actual punk bands? no? now you know.

good night!


to everyone who showed up the last couple of shows in germany! supertight!
look here we are with the people from LEATHERFACE, NO MEANS NO and TRUST magazine. that night had not a single second that sucked! thats how it should be!

the softness

here's another free MILE ME DEAF digital re-release called MY MOTHER IS PROUD OF ME