Samstag, 24. April 2010


BIRDS OF MADNESS from b. fuchs on Vimeo.

berni did it. great great berni!

next show

Freitag, 16. April 2010

trip'n jams

eyo this is flo and klaus of TRIP FONTAINE! great great band. great great people. shot taken in berlin in end of march. we wanted to go to some club. did it. did not get in. spend the rest of the night in some obscure bar. maybe the bar wasn't that obscure. maybe it was just us. or let's say katie. at some point she came with a bunch of long black hair. some present from some dude.


but what did you expect? she won the race in fast drinking action. everything takes its toll. great that is!

Donnerstag, 15. April 2010

good morning hannes!

and good morning you!
gotta call the local tax office now. uhm!

HA! and next week our friends in PILOTS. are going to play a couple of shows! checka check it out:

20.4. nonstop kino, graz w/ eight legs
21.4. OK, linz
22.4. NBI, berlin
23.4. Asta Wohnzimmer, lüneburg
24.4. gleis 19, trier




I think we gonna upload some rough shit soon. new stuff. lo-fi love.
peace out!

Dienstag, 13. April 2010

heavy rain in vienna.


all pictures shot by:
lots of cool other concert-photography on that page as well.

Montag, 12. April 2010

no future

aye! there's no future in daily updates. we realised that. our lives are way to boring to manage that in a proper way. but hey!? do you care. yeah maybe a bit.

ha! but let us tell you that the last show we played in graz with THE PHARAMCY and others like war-techs-rex was amazing. I think we hadn't had so much fun while playing since a long time. And yeah.. THE PHARMACY fucking rule! They are on big euro-tour now. so check them out if you have the possibility to!

what else is on in the JAMS HQ?
There is an Interview in German. Done by Flo. Check it out here:

yes. and the OX-FANZINE reviewed the LP as well. It says it's cool but needs more melodic guitarring! here you go:

"Nach Veröffentlichung zweier 7“s, beide auf Fettkakao, die zweite in Kooperation
mit Noise Appeal, erscheint nun auf zweiterem Label diese 10-Track-12“ der 2008
gegründeten Band. Der Labelname ist Programm, die vier Wienerinnen krachen sich
in feinster Noiserock-Manier durch ihre Songs, lassen Spielraum für schön dreckigen
Rock’n’Roll. Frontfrau Katharina Trenk legt ihre facettenreichen Vocals über noisige Indierock-Gitarren, singt melodisch, flüstert, spricht, lässt sich gerne auch
zu hemmungslosem Geschrei hinreißen, mal verzweifelt, mal fordernd. Doch auch
wenn „Post Teenage Shine“ auf jeden Fall Klasse hat, so hörenswert wie mitreißend
ist und es immer wieder eingängige Passagen beziehungsweise Momente gibt, in
denen SEX JAMS – benannt nach einem nicht minder noiseverliebten MILEMARKER-
Song – sich bewusst zurücknehmen, würde ich mich an manchen Stellen
durchaus über ein paar melodischere, harmonischere Gitarren freuen. (7) H.C. Roth"

...and yes tonight we may do some pictures of our shirts. the you can order them and help us getting rich!

hu at leats two jokes.
nuff said!
peace out!

Donnerstag, 8. April 2010

you had bodies enough

yesterday END OF A YEAR played. was great. SUCKINIM BAENAIM played as well. cool.
Afterwards we went into a bar calles TIMES and drank beer, wine and whisky-cola.
ain't that fun?

Dienstag, 6. April 2010



nächste tour 1.-17. oktober 2010

1.-11.10. kontakt:

sexjams (at)


schurli (at)

Montag, 5. April 2010

Samstag, 3. April 2010

what the heck!

we watched AMERICAN PIE 2+3 last night. "great great" german private television RTL2 was so kind to play that "classical" trash.

cheers for that. uhm.

here's a new review. german again.

Donnerstag, 1. April 2010

some shots from last week

CHAIN and the JAMS in Leipzig

Katie with her new friend Ian talking bout the performace business

the great great janette and parts of us sayin: "ohhhhhhhlooooooooord"


on a beautiful day in dresden with ehud, vera and basti

da HIGHway