Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010

how long is too short?

uhm.. long time no update. busy busy times. and the suns up!
not from phoenix. this one is on original b.boys head. check! check! check!

anyways. last weekend SIL Festival took place. it was nice. I think we also did a quite good job in acting like we'd have some kind of behaviour. nice one. in the morning katie looked like a porn star with big lips. i think she didn't recognize that they ain't bubble gum to chew on. mh.

what else can be said?
lukas is in new york right now and should be back sometime soon. we haven't played since quite a while. but it seems like a little break is good for everyones mood. and in the end it's summer time. hanging out is FUN! it's like this one guy in a review once wrote:

"They seem like a raucous group of devil-may-care teenagers just out to have a good time, whether that means heavy binge drinking, or, probably less-frequently, playing music together."
yap yap mister " average 19 year old music journo with SERIOUS OPINIONS about Television's Marquee Moon", you couldn't be closer to the truth right now!

BUT hey! the songs for the 7" should be done by the next week. we gonna shoot a music video this weekend and then we'll be busy again.
or? mh.. no that was a lie. then rudi is going to be on vacation. mh.
ahh devil-may-care!

but in august we're going to play 2 shows in italy on moutains. all fun. all legal. to be honest i can't wait till august anyway. Playing two festivals on one day as well.
ahh devil-may-care!

the rest? if you record your vinyls on tape keep in mind that your room should not be too dusty. doesn't work out well.

AHHHHH! and our record is out now on CD!
Please all you people who got it in the digital way from me or someone else in the band cause you had the lame excuse that you don't own a vinyl player please order the CD!
We would be down with that!

order via: sexjams@gmail.com
or: http://www.siluh.com/artists/sex-jams/
the SILUH Web Shop!

uhm. at least a bit business included.

peace out!

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