as a well educated blog-follower you know we've found a new rehearsal space. that also means we've got new neighbours that we are forced to listen to meanwhile we stop to play. one of them is a band called IRON HEEL. they do some kinda stoner, sludge whatever... they sound great. leave us with our heads banging! you know since we're a bunch of goth hippies we're into sharing. therefor we share with you their first demo output. give it a spin if you are into sabbath and electric wizzard. we hope you are.
back in late 2010 when wolfgang maria möstl joined the band we've been writing top notch songs like that. you'll ask why, I'll say we're doing it for the cause. We found it some days ago between tons of other "hit-singles" from back then. we thought why not sharing some of those great moments with you. so here you are. ENJOY!
by the way we started writing proper songs again. electrifying HIGH 5!
thats how the new KILLED BY 9V BATTERIES album is called. and let me tell you it is definitly their best output so far. I mean it takes 2-4 runs to catch it but you won't regret that you have gave it some spinns. so that you don't buy the katze im sack and then complain that we've talked bullshit we present you all the videos done for that record PLUS a preview of a video not official out now. so check out STUFF here:
last one without video but feat. SEX JAMS very own KATIE TRENK. check out that album. buy it and go to watch the band play! You'll be like "Aye-aye, sir!"
the weekend comes. or at least there is plenty of stuff going on.
You could join THE ROADTRIP TO OUTTA SPACE at arena. Lecherous Gaze play there. Ex-Annihilation Time. Nuff said. Drink 10 beers smoke funny fags and go crazy.
Or you go the Werk and watch somekinda more, lets say serious stuff. or not. WIRE GLOBE RECORDINGS celebrate a release. Striggles drummer and composer Slobodan Kajkut aka KAJKYT did some remix stuff. Other experimental stuff going on there as well. To find out whats exactly going on.
And then there is that MMD fet. MMC, Gary thing going on at the Chelsea. As a well educated reader of this blog you know bout that.
Tomorrow is offical "Park Hang Out Day 2011". So do that. Funny Fags, beercans. You know the deal. Or Lemonsoda. As well part of that game.
On Saturday again more serious business. Go there: ZINE*FAIR – 2nd One Day Independent Publishers and Fanzine Fair Vienna FREE ENTRY. A WHOLE LOTTA REALLY COOL STUFF! CHECK IT OUT! DOHOHOHO IT! Let in some Art and a bit of culture in your life. I know you don't want it but it feels good in the end!
so I leave you with some knowledge drop by cali-dude:
another fun question: whats the name of a bands singer and gitarrist who was a whiny loser who couldn't handle drugs and blew his head after he realised he is all about shit?
new on the blog. "THE ALL TIME FAVOURITE ALBUMS" - series. rules: we post some of our all time... yes you know. it's always two albums. and one song from that album posted as youtube-shit. ENJOY!
#1 comes right here:
yes. bought it when i was 11 the first time. of course I lost it somewhere, like most of my cds from back then. anyways. first it was bit too much to handle. all I could listen to was: loser (of course the reason I bought it), nightmare hippie girl and pay no mind. anyways I din't give up listening to the rest. now 15 years later I listen to it from first to last song at least once a month. sometimes more often, sometimes less. and yes, what also make it special: I never found a beck album again that could satisfy me as much as that one did and does. to be honest no other release comes close. but that are just my 50 cents.
here is the video. it was a not to easy decision but I took this one and I'll also point out why: the chorus goes "I AIN'T GONNA WORK FOR NO SOUL SUCKING JERK!" nuff said.
#2 comes here:
This time maybe 13. Since then this record is on my back. had it on cd, yes lost it of course, tape and vinyl. it never lost its cool vibe and it sounds so timeless. love it. tried to listen to the new B.B. album but it wasn't possible. thats a let down. but who cares as long as the classics still sound that fresh. so here you are with my fav from that album. i mean q-tip from the tribe is on it. ONE TWO OH MY GOD! NEVER EVER SMOKING CRACK, NEVER EVER FUCKING WHACK. I mean thats education by the book. thanks!
thats what the write about themselves and the worK:
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