Montag, 14. Juni 2010

the weekend is over

...and we came home with two new songs recorded.
a monday can be even more shitty after such a GREAT GREAT weekend! the songs sound rad and we're fucking happy with the outcome.

and let me tell you that mario and wolfgang in KILLED BY 9V BATTERIES are great great great people. It was such a pleasure to record there! I think someday we'll all play together in a NO-ROCK band.
Yes and Wolfgang is also on one of the two tracks. Singing some emotional junky jam! it's rad!

We're also gonna shoot a video for that song. In the car Andi (Fettkakao) gave us for releasing the 7" on his label. Cool stuff! Cool things!

And yes. I think we smoked 40 packs of cigarettes and drank a whole mountain of beercans!


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