what a masterpiece. hidden somwhere between other vinyls I found the quite new THE STRIGGLE double lp. Beside the great packaging and cover the music causes some serious "What the heck is going on here?" feeling. It's heavy, quiet, noisy, brutal, calm all in one. The vinyl is heavy and the sound stunning. All in all a complete must for fans of Melvins, SY and so on. Side three contains one epic song called Tyro. And guess what? ITS FUCKING EPIC. Believe me that I am more into jingle jangle and punk but this piece of music is just perfect. Get it while it lasts. 300 pieces pressed. Order via NOISE APPEAL records. over and out.
yo fellaz! Innsbrooklyn show was like expected. TURBOACE. was fun to play and people where great. special thanks to beate, hank, soundguy (sorry I forgot the name), herlinde and everyone involed! you guys rule. yes. and the gimp he is quite cool as well, but he didnt do the show and hates our band (with some good reasons cause if you look in detail we're bunch of crackheads without crack) so no special thanks to that car selling oldskul skaterboy. I hope there will follow some shots from that night. wolf-gang maria möstl also invented some real dope face peeling. consists mainly of beer, wine and the content of a hole ashtray! try it out. your skin will be like grannyass and on top of that it looks entertaining!
day after started bit stressed out. got up way to late. cause: no alarm clock was set. we did forget bout it! anyways. made it to esslingen to play the sommerfest there. supernice jörg was not to annoyed by our late arrival so it was all cool. first band that night was DIE NERVEN. young rich fuck ups from somewhere there. young and with somekind of cool attitude. check out their BANDCAMP if you like somekind of oldskul no wave with german lyrics. I havent listend so dont balme me if that sounds like shit recorded. live it was cool. then we played and asked for ritalin on stage. didnt get it. didnt want it anyway. was kinda sleepy all in all there. would have killed it. then SAROOS played. some dude from the notwist plays there. good band. they are on Anticon. WHY? is on there as well. best band. anyways people seemed to enjoy the dubstep music in the other room a bit more. same with our best friends in LES TRUCS! they are more and more inspired by klaus nomi. they are indeed challenging. and you know what? thats just perfect. do not deliveer stupid fucks a reason to dance to your music. we should go back to that attitude as well. then some beers followed and stories bout... not your cup of tea! then hotel room. then 10 hours drive home. funeralstyle. anyways. thats it. thats all. friday/saturday will hit the road again. one member less in the bus. lets see what we'll make out of it. see you folks!
right now circle jerks are on. punk still kills it.
yes. yes. yes. we know there should be more in here. the photo issue is planned. new Killed by 9v batteries video preview. review of the past two nights. shitloads of funny screenshots etc. etc. IT WILL FOLLOW. I promise. but for now I have to take a shower so bad. then unload the van and then... and yes maybe then I'll find some time. hope so. cheerio!
this year in september KILLED BY 9V BATTERIES new records "the crux" will drop. It's allready spinning in my room right now as I type this and try to get the mess in here done. This song is my current favourit. tell all your friends!
Now that I’ve read Flo’s blog entry, mine seems a bit lame, but what makes this perfect days we had even better follows:
Yesterday my friend Andi was DJing at Jetzt and the only thing why I dont like it, was/is the fact that he does not do it often enough… I mean when do you go to a pub where you can listen to Merciful Fate and then at three in the morning you can bang your head to Rime of the Ancient Mariner… So yeah it was a great night…
But what makes those evenings perfect is that he always puts on some movies in the background and so I saw one of my favourite horror movies again…
DellaMorte DellAmore
It’s one of the best horror movies of the nineties, and well, as with electric wizard just let it speak in it’s one words… How often does it happen, that death encounters you to remind you of this very important fact:
‘Stop killing the dead. They're mine. If you don't want the dead coming back to life, why don't you just kill the living? Shoot them in the head.’
Yup, so why not, I’m going to shave my beard now while I’m still drunk, my flatmates italian mother is visiting us and cooking something in our kitchen so I’m going to be very happy soon…
And never forget Off Minor, Flo and I organised a show for them long time ago…
I told the new me: "Meet me at the bus station and hold a sign that reads: 'Today is the first day of the rest of your life'" But the old me met me with a sign that read: "Welcome back" Who you are is not a function of where you are.
have been a blast! last weekend great art and ridiculous party time happend and on wedndesday MILE ME DEAF travelled to west west austria to play poolbar. But start with the beginning.
Saturday: "A SMORGASBOARD OF ARTS 2 is on saturday at the lust gallery, it is the one year jubilee, so come with a cake and have fun! I´ll be there with some paintings too! Good, see you then!" Thats what b.burn announced on his PFOOSH blog. This time paintings by the chief. on wood. superrad. I took some shots with my not-too-smart-phone. as soon as I can transfer them to something like a compter I'll upload them here. meanwhile check out some dudes reaction to it. FHL:
Then we headed to some kinda old school Kaffeehaus, you know the deal. Behaved badly, forced people to drink and kicked some wanna-be-punks ass. we're cool? yes we are! Other cheep shots will follow!
On Wednesday this week MILE ME DEAF and THE MMC headed tp Feldkirch to Poolbar. Driving and entertaining was Mister Andy D. a.k.a da FETTKAKAO . Driving was long and a bit pain in teh ass but the night over there was worth it all. Supernice dudes and dudettes working there and taking care. RADICAL monitoring on stage (nerd-alert) and a full fridge! The night mister Möstl and Peter T. ended on a couch using a curtain as blanket. morningswimming in the hotel pool, a three egg per person breakfast and endless drunk dancing to 90ies indie was what happend before that! thanks to Phil, KIFF and Diana and all the rest there. Amazing! Deus played as well. was quite cool! Ah! Matthias the head and body of A THOUSAND FUEGOS joind us that night well. I personally love that dude! check his music and scream: "MY BAND IS SHIT!"