Saturday: "A SMORGASBOARD OF ARTS 2 is on saturday at the lust gallery, it is the one year jubilee, so come with a cake and have fun! I´ll be there with some paintings too!
Good, see you then!" Thats what b.burn announced on his PFOOSH blog. This time paintings by the chief. on wood. superrad. I took some shots with my not-too-smart-phone. as soon as I can transfer them to something like a compter I'll upload them here. meanwhile check out some dudes reaction to it. FHL:

Then we headed to some kinda old school Kaffeehaus, you know the deal. Behaved badly, forced people to drink and kicked some wanna-be-punks ass. we're cool? yes we are!
Other cheep shots will follow!
On Wednesday this week MILE ME DEAF and THE MMC headed tp Feldkirch to Poolbar. Driving and entertaining was Mister Andy D. a.k.a da FETTKAKAO . Driving was long and a bit pain in teh ass but the night over there was worth it all. Supernice dudes and dudettes working there and taking care. RADICAL monitoring on stage (nerd-alert) and a full fridge! The night mister Möstl and Peter T. ended on a couch using a curtain as blanket. morningswimming in the hotel pool, a three egg per person breakfast and endless drunk dancing to 90ies indie was what happend before that! thanks to Phil, KIFF and Diana and all the rest there. Amazing! Deus played as well. was quite cool! Ah! Matthias the head and body of A THOUSAND FUEGOS joind us that night well. I personally love that dude! check his music and scream: "MY BAND IS SHIT!"
I leave you all with this. LOVE!

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