Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2011
Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011
how eloquent!

now enjoy this shot I took. I was on some islands with moneyboy for christmas. he is quite a good dancer, knows how to treat a lady like me and how to cut his hair in a very cool way.
we had some fun times, while rudi was thinking bout identities and stuff.

c ya'll soon!
Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2011
The Maximum Miracle Center is fucking dead...
... long live the Maximum Miracle Center!
The internet is famous for generating a lot of misunderstandings.
Here's a new one:
Maximum Miracle Center IS the backing band of MileMeDeaf.
Maximum Miracle Center IS the solo project of Peter T.
Maximum Miracle Center IS the solo project of Peter T. and me.
Maximum Miracle Center IS the solo project of me.
All of the three sentences are wrong and true. Why?
You will know after you have finished this Blog entry.
Before we can answer this, we have to go down the long road of misunderstandings.
Truth is:
I do not have anything to do with the song 'Black Cat'. Don't get me wrong, I really like the song 'Black Cat', it has a good feeling and it shows again, that Peter T. is a good songwriter. But I was not involved in it's writing and I first listened to the song as you did, via YouTube.
So why am I writing all of this. Maybe I should just lean back and enjoy, that people think I am part of Maximum Miracle Center (which I am and I am not) and that I am also responsible for such a great song (but I am, sad but true, not), which 'Black Cat' is.
But the really important conclusion, and the reason why I am writing all this, is following:
Now that we have killed an identity, it can not be brought back to live as an identity but only as a chimera or better as it's own contradiction, a not-identity.
(That's why Zombies do not have self awareness and therefore have no identity, as animals do not have self awareness and therefore no identities. Only we stupid humans project our idea of identity on our pets and in the end on our Zombies. Watch the great Zombie movie 'Fido', for more of this!)
Once we transcend the border of strict dividable identities we get into the nebulous twilight zone of the not-identities in which what is and what is not is not only existing next to each other, not only existing in the same place but is the same thing.
(See that's why your Grandmotherzombie IS NOT your grandmother AND at the same time IS your grandmother. Still you have to shoot her fucking brain out before she gets you. And they always get you...)
Maximum Miracle Center is the backing Band of MileMeDeaf.
Maximum Miracle Center is not the solo project of Peter T. and me.
Maximum Miracle Center is not the backing Band of Mile Me deaf.
Maximum Miracle Center is the solo project of Peter T. and me.
Maximum Miracle Center is the solo project of Peter T.
Maximum Miracle Center is not the solo project of me.
Maximum Miracle Center is not the solo project of Peter T.
Maximum Miracle Center is the solo project of me.
It's dialectical, stupid!
And there's also a reference to Berthold Brecht (a really bad one, I must confess) in this text, whoever finds it, and quotes the original Brecht quotation on our (Sex Jams) Facebook profile wins:
An evening with me, I buy all the drinks until we both are completely wasted!
Here's a hint:
The Brecht reference is in the conlusio and the original quotation has something to do with order and disorder.
love and
'That's all Folks!'
Montag, 26. Dezember 2011
know as the MILE ME DEAF backing band. This time just Peter T. on his own. Turning on the black cat swag. More tracks soon. Let's see whats crackin!
Still in love with the lo-fi!
Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2011
Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011
andi borg
will love the new MILE ME DEAF record. Backstage at the Stadl will be pretty fucking awesome.
Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2011
today i dreamed
i was a shepherd boy. If this will ever happen this would be the soundtrack to it. for shure:
me and the sheeps. waiting for the feeling!
me and the sheeps. waiting for the feeling!
Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011
i can't wait for christmas. just because of that picture I am gonna post then. found it somewhere deep down the internet. cant stop starring at it.
I know patience is that key I never owned.
I know patience is that key I never owned.
Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2011
that was ACE!
Thursday we played at a verry packed chelsea in vienna. loads of friends missed that show and we're kinda happy that so many "new" people saw us play. soundguy was ace too. after a short fight with the K. about how to handle microphones we're were all down again. Batts got it as well. Here you can find a review of that night. i swear it's not someone from the band.
Ah!! and we got a present that night! The new found tape Label ETERNAL LASER (run by b.björn a.k.a. kelly fux a.k.a. bernhard fuchs) showed us their first release. and yeppa! it's Post Teenage Shine. On Tape. Re-designed. Looks so good and comes with a ool sticker and handmade packaging! Limited to 70 pcs. Tell you more when we know more. STOKED!
salzburg was also nice. batts again. mario loder again, zangl, this time with great ludi as third man on the thin strings. cool. nice people there. good hotel room with electric fire on every tv and a big black shower. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
next thing:
Our new video is done soon. we got some first impressions and we are also STOKED! looks superrad. old school 8mm stuff. Johannes Gierlinger is responsible for it and again we are happy to be able to work with such cool dudes like him. video contains skaters, fire, middlefingers, a blonde wolfgang möstl, a cute k.lane, a smoking rudi and other stuff! you will see and hear bout it soon. here is a screenshot:
Thursday we played at a verry packed chelsea in vienna. loads of friends missed that show and we're kinda happy that so many "new" people saw us play. soundguy was ace too. after a short fight with the K. about how to handle microphones we're were all down again. Batts got it as well. Here you can find a review of that night. i swear it's not someone from the band.
Ah!! and we got a present that night! The new found tape Label ETERNAL LASER (run by b.björn a.k.a. kelly fux a.k.a. bernhard fuchs) showed us their first release. and yeppa! it's Post Teenage Shine. On Tape. Re-designed. Looks so good and comes with a ool sticker and handmade packaging! Limited to 70 pcs. Tell you more when we know more. STOKED!
salzburg was also nice. batts again. mario loder again, zangl, this time with great ludi as third man on the thin strings. cool. nice people there. good hotel room with electric fire on every tv and a big black shower. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
next thing:
Our new video is done soon. we got some first impressions and we are also STOKED! looks superrad. old school 8mm stuff. Johannes Gierlinger is responsible for it and again we are happy to be able to work with such cool dudes like him. video contains skaters, fire, middlefingers, a blonde wolfgang möstl, a cute k.lane, a smoking rudi and other stuff! you will see and hear bout it soon. here is a screenshot:

Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2011
Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2011
was nice. the two show with MMd feat. MMC were good. were all happy that this band is on it's way to become real fun for us. This week SEX JAMS is on the bill again. Two times. In the ring with KB9VB. losers.

berni fuchs is into wrestling a lot these days. so this is for him kinda. he did following great animated gif. it's timo from sex jams and centurion from trip fontaine. all in here can be declared as reliable information. believe.

berni fuchs is into wrestling a lot these days. so this is for him kinda. he did following great animated gif. it's timo from sex jams and centurion from trip fontaine. all in here can be declared as reliable information. believe.

Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2011
this friday mile me deaf a.k.a style me deaf is gonna play in st. pölten. on saturday a show is gonna take place in our rehearsal space. benefit for GODS AND QUEENS. more bout that soon.
and next week we'll play again. first time since july. this was the last show we did.
watch it!
and next week we'll play again. first time since july. this was the last show we did.
Sex Jams - untitled (live) from suessmichael on Vimeo.
watch it!
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