Thursday we played at a verry packed chelsea in vienna. loads of friends missed that show and we're kinda happy that so many "new" people saw us play. soundguy was ace too. after a short fight with the K. about how to handle microphones we're were all down again. Batts got it as well. Here you can find a review of that night. i swear it's not someone from the band.
Ah!! and we got a present that night! The new found tape Label ETERNAL LASER (run by b.björn a.k.a. kelly fux a.k.a. bernhard fuchs) showed us their first release. and yeppa! it's Post Teenage Shine. On Tape. Re-designed. Looks so good and comes with a ool sticker and handmade packaging! Limited to 70 pcs. Tell you more when we know more. STOKED!
salzburg was also nice. batts again. mario loder again, zangl, this time with great ludi as third man on the thin strings. cool. nice people there. good hotel room with electric fire on every tv and a big black shower. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
next thing:
Our new video is done soon. we got some first impressions and we are also STOKED! looks superrad. old school 8mm stuff. Johannes Gierlinger is responsible for it and again we are happy to be able to work with such cool dudes like him. video contains skaters, fire, middlefingers, a blonde wolfgang möstl, a cute k.lane, a smoking rudi and other stuff! you will see and hear bout it soon. here is a screenshot:

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