Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2011
Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2011
how eloquent!

now enjoy this shot I took. I was on some islands with moneyboy for christmas. he is quite a good dancer, knows how to treat a lady like me and how to cut his hair in a very cool way.
we had some fun times, while rudi was thinking bout identities and stuff.

c ya'll soon!
Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2011
The Maximum Miracle Center is fucking dead...
... long live the Maximum Miracle Center!
The internet is famous for generating a lot of misunderstandings.
Here's a new one:
Maximum Miracle Center IS the backing band of MileMeDeaf.
Maximum Miracle Center IS the solo project of Peter T.
Maximum Miracle Center IS the solo project of Peter T. and me.
Maximum Miracle Center IS the solo project of me.
All of the three sentences are wrong and true. Why?
You will know after you have finished this Blog entry.
Before we can answer this, we have to go down the long road of misunderstandings.
Truth is:
I do not have anything to do with the song 'Black Cat'. Don't get me wrong, I really like the song 'Black Cat', it has a good feeling and it shows again, that Peter T. is a good songwriter. But I was not involved in it's writing and I first listened to the song as you did, via YouTube.
So why am I writing all of this. Maybe I should just lean back and enjoy, that people think I am part of Maximum Miracle Center (which I am and I am not) and that I am also responsible for such a great song (but I am, sad but true, not), which 'Black Cat' is.
But the really important conclusion, and the reason why I am writing all this, is following:
Now that we have killed an identity, it can not be brought back to live as an identity but only as a chimera or better as it's own contradiction, a not-identity.
(That's why Zombies do not have self awareness and therefore have no identity, as animals do not have self awareness and therefore no identities. Only we stupid humans project our idea of identity on our pets and in the end on our Zombies. Watch the great Zombie movie 'Fido', for more of this!)
Once we transcend the border of strict dividable identities we get into the nebulous twilight zone of the not-identities in which what is and what is not is not only existing next to each other, not only existing in the same place but is the same thing.
(See that's why your Grandmotherzombie IS NOT your grandmother AND at the same time IS your grandmother. Still you have to shoot her fucking brain out before she gets you. And they always get you...)
Maximum Miracle Center is the backing Band of MileMeDeaf.
Maximum Miracle Center is not the solo project of Peter T. and me.
Maximum Miracle Center is not the backing Band of Mile Me deaf.
Maximum Miracle Center is the solo project of Peter T. and me.
Maximum Miracle Center is the solo project of Peter T.
Maximum Miracle Center is not the solo project of me.
Maximum Miracle Center is not the solo project of Peter T.
Maximum Miracle Center is the solo project of me.
It's dialectical, stupid!
And there's also a reference to Berthold Brecht (a really bad one, I must confess) in this text, whoever finds it, and quotes the original Brecht quotation on our (Sex Jams) Facebook profile wins:
An evening with me, I buy all the drinks until we both are completely wasted!
Here's a hint:
The Brecht reference is in the conlusio and the original quotation has something to do with order and disorder.
love and
'That's all Folks!'
Montag, 26. Dezember 2011
know as the MILE ME DEAF backing band. This time just Peter T. on his own. Turning on the black cat swag. More tracks soon. Let's see whats crackin!
Still in love with the lo-fi!
Sonntag, 25. Dezember 2011
Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2011
andi borg
will love the new MILE ME DEAF record. Backstage at the Stadl will be pretty fucking awesome.
Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2011
today i dreamed
i was a shepherd boy. If this will ever happen this would be the soundtrack to it. for shure:
me and the sheeps. waiting for the feeling!
me and the sheeps. waiting for the feeling!
Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011
i can't wait for christmas. just because of that picture I am gonna post then. found it somewhere deep down the internet. cant stop starring at it.
I know patience is that key I never owned.
I know patience is that key I never owned.
Sonntag, 18. Dezember 2011
that was ACE!
Thursday we played at a verry packed chelsea in vienna. loads of friends missed that show and we're kinda happy that so many "new" people saw us play. soundguy was ace too. after a short fight with the K. about how to handle microphones we're were all down again. Batts got it as well. Here you can find a review of that night. i swear it's not someone from the band.
Ah!! and we got a present that night! The new found tape Label ETERNAL LASER (run by b.björn a.k.a. kelly fux a.k.a. bernhard fuchs) showed us their first release. and yeppa! it's Post Teenage Shine. On Tape. Re-designed. Looks so good and comes with a ool sticker and handmade packaging! Limited to 70 pcs. Tell you more when we know more. STOKED!
salzburg was also nice. batts again. mario loder again, zangl, this time with great ludi as third man on the thin strings. cool. nice people there. good hotel room with electric fire on every tv and a big black shower. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
next thing:
Our new video is done soon. we got some first impressions and we are also STOKED! looks superrad. old school 8mm stuff. Johannes Gierlinger is responsible for it and again we are happy to be able to work with such cool dudes like him. video contains skaters, fire, middlefingers, a blonde wolfgang möstl, a cute k.lane, a smoking rudi and other stuff! you will see and hear bout it soon. here is a screenshot:
Thursday we played at a verry packed chelsea in vienna. loads of friends missed that show and we're kinda happy that so many "new" people saw us play. soundguy was ace too. after a short fight with the K. about how to handle microphones we're were all down again. Batts got it as well. Here you can find a review of that night. i swear it's not someone from the band.
Ah!! and we got a present that night! The new found tape Label ETERNAL LASER (run by b.björn a.k.a. kelly fux a.k.a. bernhard fuchs) showed us their first release. and yeppa! it's Post Teenage Shine. On Tape. Re-designed. Looks so good and comes with a ool sticker and handmade packaging! Limited to 70 pcs. Tell you more when we know more. STOKED!
salzburg was also nice. batts again. mario loder again, zangl, this time with great ludi as third man on the thin strings. cool. nice people there. good hotel room with electric fire on every tv and a big black shower. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
next thing:
Our new video is done soon. we got some first impressions and we are also STOKED! looks superrad. old school 8mm stuff. Johannes Gierlinger is responsible for it and again we are happy to be able to work with such cool dudes like him. video contains skaters, fire, middlefingers, a blonde wolfgang möstl, a cute k.lane, a smoking rudi and other stuff! you will see and hear bout it soon. here is a screenshot:

Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2011
Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2011
was nice. the two show with MMd feat. MMC were good. were all happy that this band is on it's way to become real fun for us. This week SEX JAMS is on the bill again. Two times. In the ring with KB9VB. losers.

berni fuchs is into wrestling a lot these days. so this is for him kinda. he did following great animated gif. it's timo from sex jams and centurion from trip fontaine. all in here can be declared as reliable information. believe.

berni fuchs is into wrestling a lot these days. so this is for him kinda. he did following great animated gif. it's timo from sex jams and centurion from trip fontaine. all in here can be declared as reliable information. believe.

Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2011
this friday mile me deaf a.k.a style me deaf is gonna play in st. pölten. on saturday a show is gonna take place in our rehearsal space. benefit for GODS AND QUEENS. more bout that soon.
and next week we'll play again. first time since july. this was the last show we did.
watch it!
and next week we'll play again. first time since july. this was the last show we did.
Sex Jams - untitled (live) from suessmichael on Vimeo.
watch it!
Dienstag, 29. November 2011
next show
Donnerstag, 24. November 2011

the jams will be back on stage and you will go: "WH00t WH00t"
pic by klaus engelmayer.
and here a story from radio fm4 bout homemade videos. still panorama ride wasn't shot by us. it was the mighty leafhouse team. news from them soon. new video in the making.
this picture is great as well. love the v.rex!

Dienstag, 22. November 2011
Dienstag, 15. November 2011
andi and ibiza (mister ATF) are djayyyying at electro gönner. cool? yes!

da fettkakao sogt:
"this is matthias. he’s a good friend; and old friend. and an always changing one. beside that he is a little celebrity. matthias is creating music under the moniker a thousand fuegos - an act fettkakao was releasing records to this day. the next LP (titeled ‘the treachery of things’) will come out this winter, in cooperation w/ seayou records. on november 16th, 2011 matthias and me will disc jockey at the monthly fettkakao club at gönner. that will be ace!"

da fettkakao sogt:
"this is matthias. he’s a good friend; and old friend. and an always changing one. beside that he is a little celebrity. matthias is creating music under the moniker a thousand fuegos - an act fettkakao was releasing records to this day. the next LP (titeled ‘the treachery of things’) will come out this winter, in cooperation w/ seayou records. on november 16th, 2011 matthias and me will disc jockey at the monthly fettkakao club at gönner. that will be ace!"
Montag, 14. November 2011
Montag, 7. November 2011
Dienstag, 1. November 2011
fm4 studio 2 session
here is the promised link for some songs and videos from that session with vortex rex, die eternias, mile me eschowissen feat. the MMC, killed by 9v batteries, the mighty mighty A THOUSAND FUEGOS and a lot more. check it out sisbros!
good night!
good night!

die eternias,
fm4 studio2 session,
vortex rex
Pretty obvious...
Montag, 31. Oktober 2011
Freitag, 28. Oktober 2011
new japanther
record is out soon on seayou entertainment.
here my favourite two tracks. supersmooth!
have a nice weekend folks!!!
here my favourite two tracks. supersmooth!
have a nice weekend folks!!!
Samstag, 22. Oktober 2011
again a show hosted by the sexjams universe. old friends from engalnd come over th spread the word. old skul Ebullition Hardcore. in our rehearsal space.
german info for those who wanna show up!

Benannt nach dem französischen Freiheitskämpfer und "Stereotyp des bombenlegenden Anarchisten". Die Band besticht durch ausgefeilten, unaufgesetzen emotionalen Hardcore der Ebullition Schule. Cleane Gitarren, treibendes Schlagzeug und Emma's Stimme lassen ein etwas totgeglaubtes Gefühl wieder verdammt lebendig werden. Zurzeit auf erster Europatour mit den partners in crime names WE CAME OUT LIKE TIGERS. Auch aus Engalnd schlagen diese auch musikalisch in eine ähnliche Kerbe. Beide Sets so um die 20 Minuten. Anti-rockshow!
Das ganze findet im Proberaum in der Leebgasse 32 statt. Einfach in den Hof und dann findet man das schon. 4. Stock.
Beginnt pünktlich um 20:30 mit WCOLT!
Frei Spende.
Drinks zum selber mitnehmen.
Aus ist das ganze um 22:00.
bei fragen einfach mir schreiben, oder sexjams at!
Ps: a supercute wolfgang "manga" möstl. "interview" in german. stupid questions, stupid answears.
german info for those who wanna show up!

Benannt nach dem französischen Freiheitskämpfer und "Stereotyp des bombenlegenden Anarchisten". Die Band besticht durch ausgefeilten, unaufgesetzen emotionalen Hardcore der Ebullition Schule. Cleane Gitarren, treibendes Schlagzeug und Emma's Stimme lassen ein etwas totgeglaubtes Gefühl wieder verdammt lebendig werden. Zurzeit auf erster Europatour mit den partners in crime names WE CAME OUT LIKE TIGERS. Auch aus Engalnd schlagen diese auch musikalisch in eine ähnliche Kerbe. Beide Sets so um die 20 Minuten. Anti-rockshow!
Das ganze findet im Proberaum in der Leebgasse 32 statt. Einfach in den Hof und dann findet man das schon. 4. Stock.
Beginnt pünktlich um 20:30 mit WCOLT!
Frei Spende.
Drinks zum selber mitnehmen.
Aus ist das ganze um 22:00.
bei fragen einfach mir schreiben, oder sexjams at!
Ps: a supercute wolfgang "manga" möstl. "interview" in german. stupid questions, stupid answears.
Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011
MMD feat MMC
we'll do a radio show next week. if you got the chance follow it. we will play unreleased songs from the upcoming MMD lp. both songs will be on the lp feat the MMC. turning on the swag. More INFORMATION.
by the way those slight ups of this bipolar "disorder" feel fucking rad.
I wanna dance to Rhianna!
Rihanna - We Found Love (Official Video) von rnbpromotv
by the way those slight ups of this bipolar "disorder" feel fucking rad.
I wanna dance to Rhianna!
Rihanna - We Found Love (Official Video) von rnbpromotv
Montag, 17. Oktober 2011
Killed by 9V GoTV
Tomorrow, Tuesday 18.10. at 21.00, there's the ultimative hosted by Killed By 9V Batteries show on GoTv. Watch it and see how those noise bastards play awesome songs like 'Party For Two' or 'Heat Between The Sheets'!
Tomorrow, Tuesday 18.10. at 21.00, there's the ultimative hosted by Killed By 9V Batteries show on GoTv. Watch it and see how those noise bastards play awesome songs like 'Party For Two' or 'Heat Between The Sheets'!
Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2011
Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2011
back from the studio
Samstag, 8. Oktober 2011
Fuck Forever
When Middle Class is in danger it is most likely that it tends towards facist ideas.
So, yeah you're right, if it all collapses, we would have enough to fight against here!
But I don't believe in those final breakdown theories. It would all be too easy and if I'm wrong and it happens, we'll meet in the 'Sabotage and Molotov Cocktails Workshop'.
So, yeah you're right, if it all collapses, we would have enough to fight against here!
But I don't believe in those final breakdown theories. It would all be too easy and if I'm wrong and it happens, we'll meet in the 'Sabotage and Molotov Cocktails Workshop'.
Freitag, 7. Oktober 2011
oh my god. today is the day of decision making. beginning of next year we'll team up with one of italys greates artist and be part of a great art project undefined yet. only thing that's for shizzle is that a 7" big piece of black plastic is the part we gonna put into that. beside our passion of course. it's gonna be RAD. hope the financial meltdown won't fuck us up too much. anyways. we'll keep you informed. btw. that has nothing to do with those songs we gonna record this weekend. for shizzle you wont have to pay for them any dime. here some oldskul pic. first wreckchord sold out.
Fuck II
When Jean Ziegler met Che Guevara in Geneva, he asked Che if he could accompany Che to Cuba to fight for the Revolution.
Che replied something like this: 'Look around you, you are inside the brain of the beast. This is your place. Here you have to fight.'
And no, I am not a fan of Che Guevara or Cuba or any other of the shit that happened in any other so called socialist country. But there is some truth in this words.
Che replied something like this: 'Look around you, you are inside the brain of the beast. This is your place. Here you have to fight.'
And no, I am not a fan of Che Guevara or Cuba or any other of the shit that happened in any other so called socialist country. But there is some truth in this words.
life's a beach
good morning everyone. it's friday. the summer has finally left us here. it's heavy rain out there. I am in the middle of the woods at a new found home somewhere in between wild hogs, horses and shitloads of trees. life could be worth since I had my "zurück zum beton" era sometime ago. anyway tomorrow we start to record two new songs in mister ranzelpunks studio in graz. this is the first recording session since gone chillin in february or something like that. since we`ve havent't worked out everybit of the songs we gonna do a whole lotta stuff right in the studio (yes, yes, yes that isn't true for the bass and drums of course they will finish in half an hour time and then get wasted to the maximum). To sum it up: we're excited and hope to share the outcome in a supertight way with you. more details will follow. uh ah and about excitement:

Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2011
Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011
fever dreaming
"Be careful what you dream about/ There's not always ways out."
as male bonding hit it in their masterpiece "bones".
Montag, 3. Oktober 2011
this weekend
killed. batts rocked it out. buy the record "the crux" now. not type in mediafire and download it for free. i mean there are enough ways to check out for free. slop!
zola jesus played as well and i dunno why anyone says that it's supposed to sound dark or anything. sounds like a bit tribal drum kings of leon. i mean yes, piss your pants if you wanna. i dont.
anyways. we hit the studio next weekend record some tunes. stay tuned.

btw. thats what the fucking internet spits in your face when you search for "losing brain cells". deal with it!
zola jesus played as well and i dunno why anyone says that it's supposed to sound dark or anything. sounds like a bit tribal drum kings of leon. i mean yes, piss your pants if you wanna. i dont.
anyways. we hit the studio next weekend record some tunes. stay tuned.

btw. thats what the fucking internet spits in your face when you search for "losing brain cells". deal with it!
Montag, 26. September 2011
dr. greenthumb
as a well educated blog-follower you know we've found a new rehearsal space. that also means we've got new neighbours that we are forced to listen to meanwhile we stop to play. one of them is a band called IRON HEEL. they do some kinda stoner, sludge whatever... they sound great. leave us with our heads banging! you know since we're a bunch of goth hippies we're into sharing. therefor we share with you their first demo output. give it a spin if you are into sabbath and electric wizzard. we hope you are.

up next a new/old mile me deaf song plus video. stay tuned fellaz and fellaritas!

up next a new/old mile me deaf song plus video. stay tuned fellaz and fellaritas!
Sonntag, 25. September 2011
Freitag, 23. September 2011
back in late 2010 when wolfgang maria möstl joined the band we've been writing top notch songs like that. you'll ask why, I'll say we're doing it for the cause. We found it some days ago between tons of other "hit-singles" from back then. we thought why not sharing some of those great moments with you. so here you are. ENJOY!
by the way we started writing proper songs again.
electrifying HIGH 5!
Sonntag, 18. September 2011
thats how the new KILLED BY 9V BATTERIES album is called. and let me tell you it is definitly their best output so far. I mean it takes 2-4 runs to catch it but you won't regret that you have gave it some spinns. so that you don't buy the katze im sack and then complain that we've talked bullshit we present you all the videos done for that record PLUS a preview of a video not official out now. so check out STUFF here:
last one without video but feat. SEX JAMS very own KATIE TRENK. check out that album. buy it and go to watch the band play! You'll be like "Aye-aye, sir!"
last one without video but feat. SEX JAMS very own KATIE TRENK. check out that album. buy it and go to watch the band play! You'll be like "Aye-aye, sir!"
Donnerstag, 15. September 2011
what to do
the weekend comes. or at least there is plenty of stuff going on.
You could join THE ROADTRIP TO OUTTA SPACE at arena. Lecherous Gaze play there. Ex-Annihilation Time. Nuff said. Drink 10 beers smoke funny fags and go crazy.
Or you go the Werk and watch somekinda more, lets say serious stuff. or not. WIRE GLOBE RECORDINGS celebrate a release. Striggles drummer and composer Slobodan Kajkut aka KAJKYT did some remix stuff. Other experimental stuff going on there as well. To find out whats exactly going on.
And then there is that MMD fet. MMC, Gary thing going on at the Chelsea. As a well educated reader of this blog you know bout that.
Tomorrow is offical "Park Hang Out Day 2011". So do that. Funny Fags, beercans. You know the deal. Or Lemonsoda. As well part of that game.
On Saturday again more serious business. Go there:
ZINE*FAIR – 2nd One Day Independent Publishers and Fanzine Fair Vienna
Let in some Art and a bit of culture in your life. I know you don't want it but it feels good in the end!
so I leave you with some knowledge drop by cali-dude:
You could join THE ROADTRIP TO OUTTA SPACE at arena. Lecherous Gaze play there. Ex-Annihilation Time. Nuff said. Drink 10 beers smoke funny fags and go crazy.
Or you go the Werk and watch somekinda more, lets say serious stuff. or not. WIRE GLOBE RECORDINGS celebrate a release. Striggles drummer and composer Slobodan Kajkut aka KAJKYT did some remix stuff. Other experimental stuff going on there as well. To find out whats exactly going on.
And then there is that MMD fet. MMC, Gary thing going on at the Chelsea. As a well educated reader of this blog you know bout that.
Tomorrow is offical "Park Hang Out Day 2011". So do that. Funny Fags, beercans. You know the deal. Or Lemonsoda. As well part of that game.
On Saturday again more serious business. Go there:
ZINE*FAIR – 2nd One Day Independent Publishers and Fanzine Fair Vienna
Let in some Art and a bit of culture in your life. I know you don't want it but it feels good in the end!
so I leave you with some knowledge drop by cali-dude:
Mittwoch, 14. September 2011
the game is over
you're too late if you wanna win as well.
another fun question:
whats the name of a bands singer and gitarrist who was a whiny loser who couldn't handle drugs and blew his head after he realised he is all about shit?
answear right to:
the winner takes it all.
another fun question:
whats the name of a bands singer and gitarrist who was a whiny loser who couldn't handle drugs and blew his head after he realised he is all about shit?
answear right to:
the winner takes it all.
Montag, 12. September 2011
I think this was posted sometime ago. but it doesnt matter in the end. it's the soundtrack of our lives. should be the one of yours as well.
by the way the MMD feat the MMC is playing this thursday in vienna at the chelsea.
Where it happens
chance to win:
if you write us the right answear to this question you'll get two halfprice tickets for the show.
"MILE ME DEAF is named after a song from a Band called #*+!%$§. Whats the name of the bassist?"
write to:
sexjams (at)
dont forget to drop your name!
by the way the MMD feat the MMC is playing this thursday in vienna at the chelsea.
Where it happens
chance to win:
if you write us the right answear to this question you'll get two halfprice tickets for the show.
"MILE ME DEAF is named after a song from a Band called #*+!%$§. Whats the name of the bassist?"
write to:
sexjams (at)
dont forget to drop your name!
Samstag, 10. September 2011
Freitag, 9. September 2011
Dienstag, 6. September 2011
Montag, 5. September 2011
all time favourits.
new on the blog. "THE ALL TIME FAVOURITE ALBUMS" - series. rules: we post some of our all time... yes you know. it's always two albums. and one song from that album posted as youtube-shit. ENJOY!
#1 comes right here:
yes. bought it when i was 11 the first time. of course I lost it somewhere, like most of my cds from back then. anyways. first it was bit too much to handle. all I could listen to was: loser (of course the reason I bought it), nightmare hippie girl and pay no mind. anyways I din't give up listening to the rest. now 15 years later I listen to it from first to last song at least once a month. sometimes more often, sometimes less. and yes, what also make it special: I never found a beck album again that could satisfy me as much as that one did and does. to be honest no other release comes close. but that are just my 50 cents.
here is the video. it was a not to easy decision but I took this one and I'll also point out why: the chorus goes "I AIN'T GONNA WORK FOR NO SOUL SUCKING JERK!" nuff said.
#2 comes here:
This time maybe 13. Since then this record is on my back. had it on cd, yes lost it of course, tape and vinyl. it never lost its cool vibe and it sounds so timeless. love it. tried to listen to the new B.B. album but it wasn't possible. thats a let down. but who cares as long as the classics still sound that fresh. so here you are with my fav from that album. i mean q-tip from the tribe is on it. ONE TWO OH MY GOD! NEVER EVER SMOKING CRACK, NEVER EVER FUCKING WHACK. I mean thats education by the book. thanks!
#1 comes right here:

yes. bought it when i was 11 the first time. of course I lost it somewhere, like most of my cds from back then. anyways. first it was bit too much to handle. all I could listen to was: loser (of course the reason I bought it), nightmare hippie girl and pay no mind. anyways I din't give up listening to the rest. now 15 years later I listen to it from first to last song at least once a month. sometimes more often, sometimes less. and yes, what also make it special: I never found a beck album again that could satisfy me as much as that one did and does. to be honest no other release comes close. but that are just my 50 cents.
here is the video. it was a not to easy decision but I took this one and I'll also point out why: the chorus goes "I AIN'T GONNA WORK FOR NO SOUL SUCKING JERK!" nuff said.
#2 comes here:

This time maybe 13. Since then this record is on my back. had it on cd, yes lost it of course, tape and vinyl. it never lost its cool vibe and it sounds so timeless. love it. tried to listen to the new B.B. album but it wasn't possible. thats a let down. but who cares as long as the classics still sound that fresh. so here you are with my fav from that album. i mean q-tip from the tribe is on it. ONE TWO OH MY GOD! NEVER EVER SMOKING CRACK, NEVER EVER FUCKING WHACK. I mean thats education by the book. thanks!
Sonntag, 4. September 2011
zine collective
new zine collective from vienna does artsy zines. printed with hippie soy printer! this gang rules.
check out some stuff here:
thats what the write about themselves and the worK:
»Soybot« ist eine Zusammenstellung verschiedener Druckwerke und Publikationen aus dem Printbereich, die alle mehr oder weniger in Verwendung des Risografen entstanden sind. Das Kollektiv stellt eine Plattform für die Arbeit mit dieser speziellen Druckart dar. Die Ergebnisse sind gemäß des Produktionsaufwands nur in limitierten Auflagen erhältlich und zeichnen sich durch ihre Zusammenhanglosigkeit aus. Der Mythos zur Zusammensetzung der Tinte wird im Namen »Soybot« reflektiert und charakterisiert das gute Wesen der Maschine, die mit Reispapier und Soyatinte gefüttert wird.
new zine collective from vienna does artsy zines. printed with hippie soy printer! this gang rules.
check out some stuff here:
thats what the write about themselves and the worK:
»Soybot« ist eine Zusammenstellung verschiedener Druckwerke und Publikationen aus dem Printbereich, die alle mehr oder weniger in Verwendung des Risografen entstanden sind. Das Kollektiv stellt eine Plattform für die Arbeit mit dieser speziellen Druckart dar. Die Ergebnisse sind gemäß des Produktionsaufwands nur in limitierten Auflagen erhältlich und zeichnen sich durch ihre Zusammenhanglosigkeit aus. Der Mythos zur Zusammensetzung der Tinte wird im Namen »Soybot« reflektiert und charakterisiert das gute Wesen der Maschine, die mit Reispapier und Soyatinte gefüttert wird.
Mittwoch, 31. August 2011
thanks to the mighty mighty johannes staudenbauer, the ponyhof-pogo-crew and whoever came out that sunny saturday. here is a quite funny message board thread bout that show and us in general. some people diggn' shit, some ain't.
Freitag, 26. August 2011
five, baby, FIVE!
Five years two of us shared a flat. in the last a third one of the mental institution called sex jams joined. we leave it these days. In the end the following clip shows kinda the stuff going on in the last years. metaphorical speaking is I. SATAN save the Ponyhof!
and yes, we also don't believe that moving out is going to save us!
R.I.P J.R.
and yes, we also don't believe that moving out is going to save us!
R.I.P J.R.
Mittwoch, 24. August 2011
Dienstag, 23. August 2011
SHOW! up!

one of the bands is called ROBOTRA. they got a page where you can listen to all of their stuff. lend them your ears.
more infos soon!
ah and here is a video.
domo aint there that night.
Dienstag, 16. August 2011
not too much
going on here. we figure out some new tunes and wait for great success! we're patient folks!
hope you too!
hope you too!
Montag, 1. August 2011
last show
till december happened on this saturday. despite the rain and early stagetime it was a rad "farewell" show. thanks to the people from jahninselfest regensburg!!!
now the working for the new lp starts or lets say continues. some tunes are almost done. maybe there will be one or two songs released before the lp. let's see. we'll keep you informed. and yes thanks to everyone who put on a show for us this year and to everyone who showed up! we had great times! aaand we moved to a new rehearsal room. its on the 4th floor. no elevator. so we mean it that we ain't playing live now for a while. carry all our stuff down there kills it all. anyways we leave you with some shots from the weekend in regensburg and a quote from some hostel dude that felt lets say a bit stressed out by our appearance. "DA IS DOCH WAS NICHT RICHTIG MIT EUCH!!! IHR SEID DOCH PLEM PLEM!!!"

now the working for the new lp starts or lets say continues. some tunes are almost done. maybe there will be one or two songs released before the lp. let's see. we'll keep you informed. and yes thanks to everyone who put on a show for us this year and to everyone who showed up! we had great times! aaand we moved to a new rehearsal room. its on the 4th floor. no elevator. so we mean it that we ain't playing live now for a while. carry all our stuff down there kills it all. anyways we leave you with some shots from the weekend in regensburg and a quote from some hostel dude that felt lets say a bit stressed out by our appearance. "DA IS DOCH WAS NICHT RICHTIG MIT EUCH!!! IHR SEID DOCH PLEM PLEM!!!"

Dienstag, 26. Juli 2011
noise rock

what a masterpiece. hidden somwhere between other vinyls I found the quite new THE STRIGGLE double lp. Beside the great packaging and cover the music causes some serious "What the heck is going on here?" feeling. It's heavy, quiet, noisy, brutal, calm all in one. The vinyl is heavy and the sound stunning. All in all a complete must for fans of Melvins, SY and so on. Side three contains one epic song called Tyro. And guess what? ITS FUCKING EPIC. Believe me that I am more into jingle jangle and punk but this piece of music is just perfect. Get it while it lasts. 300 pieces pressed. Order via NOISE APPEAL records. over and out.
Montag, 25. Juli 2011
yo fellaz! Innsbrooklyn show was like expected. TURBOACE. was fun to play and people where great. special thanks to beate, hank, soundguy (sorry I forgot the name), herlinde and everyone involed! you guys rule. yes. and the gimp he is quite cool as well, but he didnt do the show and hates our band (with some good reasons cause if you look in detail we're bunch of crackheads without crack) so no special thanks to that car selling oldskul skaterboy. I hope there will follow some shots from that night. wolf-gang maria möstl also invented some real dope face peeling. consists mainly of beer, wine and the content of a hole ashtray! try it out. your skin will be like grannyass and on top of that it looks entertaining!
day after started bit stressed out. got up way to late. cause: no alarm clock was set. we did forget bout it! anyways. made it to esslingen to play the sommerfest there. supernice jörg was not to annoyed by our late arrival so it was all cool. first band that night was DIE NERVEN. young rich fuck ups from somewhere there. young and with somekind of cool attitude. check out their BANDCAMP if you like somekind of oldskul no wave with german lyrics. I havent listend so dont balme me if that sounds like shit recorded. live it was cool. then we played and asked for ritalin on stage. didnt get it. didnt want it anyway. was kinda sleepy all in all there. would have killed it. then SAROOS played. some dude from the notwist plays there. good band. they are on Anticon. WHY? is on there as well. best band. anyways people seemed to enjoy the dubstep music in the other room a bit more. same with our best friends in LES TRUCS! they are more and more inspired by klaus nomi. they are indeed challenging. and you know what? thats just perfect. do not deliveer stupid fucks a reason to dance to your music. we should go back to that attitude as well. then some beers followed and stories bout... not your cup of tea! then hotel room. then 10 hours drive home. funeralstyle. anyways. thats it. thats all. friday/saturday will hit the road again. one member less in the bus. lets see what we'll make out of it. see you folks!
right now circle jerks are on. punk still kills it.
uhm ahm ahh
yes. yes. yes. we know there should be more in here. the photo issue is planned. new Killed by 9v batteries video preview. review of the past two nights. shitloads of funny screenshots etc. etc. IT WILL FOLLOW. I promise. but for now I have to take a shower so bad. then unload the van and then... and yes maybe then I'll find some time. hope so.
ps: rule YOUR world!
ps: rule YOUR world!

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